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Post RN BSN Nursing ACN – I Course

LUMHS Post RN BSN Nursing ACN – I Course (Advance Concepts in Nursing – I Course) Syllabus of First Year First Semester


Post RN BS Nursing Program

Course Syllabus
Title               :        Advance Concepts in Nursing – I
Course No     :        701
Time              :        6 Credit
Placement     :        Year 1, First Semester

Course Description

This course focuses on development of advance knowledge and skills in nursing assessment and diagnosis, based upon psychosocial, cultural and spiritual concepts and theories. Also this course is planned to develop and individual, focusing on physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs.

Course objectives.

By the end of this course the students will be able to:
1.     Utilize Gordon’s Functional health Patterns [FHP] as a tool for assessment of clients and families.
2.     Use effective communication skills while interacting with clients, families and other health team members.
3.     Perform physical examination of client as a part of nursing assessment.
4.     Determine nursing diagnosis based on analysis of assessed data.
5.     Use the nursing process while caring of assigned individuals and families.
6.     Apply psychosocial, cultural and spiritual concepts in the process of care of assigned individuals and families.
7.     Demonstrate professional responsibility and accountability in clinical practice.

Teaching / Learning Strategies

Lecture, Tutorial, Clinical and self-study.

Course Expectations

1.     Self-study on assigned readings and active participation in class.
2.     Presence in weekly clinical practice.
3.     Written nursing care plans in clinical area.
4.     Completion of assignments and exams on due dates.

Evaluation Criteria

Internal Evaluation                  20%
External Evaluation (Final)      80%

Clinical Objectives

On each clinical day the students are expected to;
1.     Assess the patient and family using the FHP learnt in the previous classes.
2.     Integrate physical examination skills of the previous systems learnt in health assessment classes.
3.     Formulate the nursing diagnosis list of patient, based on the assessment and discuss the working NCP.
4.     Demonstrate therapeutic interviewing skills.
5.     Document evidence of meeting clinical objectives.
6.     Perform patient teaching as appropriate.
7.     Demonstrate safe and caring clinical practice.


1. Boyle, J.S; & Andrew. M.M.(1998) Trans-Cultural Concept in Nursing care
USA: Little Brown
2. George, J.B (1995) Nursing theories: The base for Professional nursing
Practice. Hall
3. George, JB (1995) Nursing Theories. Englewood Chieffs, NJ: Pentice-Haji
4. Long, B.C (1995) Adult nursing: A nursing process approach Wolfe Medical
5. Nettina, S.m. (1991) The Lippinocott Manual of nursing Practice.
Philadelphia: J.b. Lippincott.
6. Polaski, a.l., & Tatro, S.E. (1996) Lukmann’s care Principles and Practice of medical surgical nursing. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders.
7. Smeltzer, S.C., & Base, B.G. (1996). Brunner & Suddarth:S textbook of medical surgical nursing. NY: Lippincott.

Course content

Advance concepts of nursing – I


 Nursing Process & Diagnoses
·        Nursing process (Read)
·        Component of nursing process (Read)
·        Benefit of nursing process (Read)
·        Discuss the format of nursing care plan (Read)
·        Format of nursing diagnosis (Read)
·        Process


Theoretical Frame Works
·        Definition of;
Theory, concept, Model, theoretical frame work
·        Development of nursing theories.
·        Conceptual approach
·        Concepts used in nursing practices.
·        Hope, hopelessness, anxiety, Aging, Losse-Greiving, Caring
·        Spirituality, Powerlessness, loneness, health


Functional health Patterns
·        Concepts of FHP’s
·        Enumerate 11 FHP, According to Gordon (Read)


Health perception / management pattern (Read)
·        Definition of Health, wellness & Illness. (Read)
·        Belief or perceptions of health and illness compare & contrast.
·        Health belief model (HBM) (Read)
·        Implication of HBM
·        Health promoting behavior
·        Nursing measure for promotion of health lifestyle.
·        Infection control
·        No Smoking
·        Obesity control
·        Chronic Illness and elderly care.


Nutrition metabolic pattern Concepts of
·        Nutrition & Metabolism
·        Dietary habits
·        Beliefs and values related to diets
·        Over / under weight
·        Formula daily calories requirement according to weight.


Elimination Pattern
·        Elimination concept
·        Anatomy & Physiology of Bladder & Bowl elimination
·        Terminology related to defection and ruination
·        Colostomy care
·        Cauterization
·        Enemas
·        Bladder training
·        Kegal exercise
·        Bowel training


Activity Exercise
·        Concepts of oxygenation
·        Mobility and immobility
·        Exercise
·        Assessment data of
·        Activity exercise pattern


Coping & Stress Tolerance
·        Concept of stress
·        Stress theory
·        Stress & Distress
·        (General Adaptation syndrome) Gas
·        Coping strategies


Sleep Rest Pattern
·        Physiology of sleep
·        Sleep cycle
·        REM (Rapid eye movement)
·        NREM (Non Rapid eye Movement) Factor affecting sleep
·        Noise / environment
·        Diet
·        Habits / Personality


Sexuality Reproductive
·        Physiology of reproductive system
·        Sexual identify
·        Terminology of
·        Sexual health
·        Biologic Sex
·        Gender identify / Role
·        Sexual self-concept
·        Psychodynamic concerns
·        Biopsychosocial factors
·        Rape
·        Homosexuality
·        Heterosexuality
·        Gays / Lesbian


Role Relationship
·        Concept of family
·        Definition of term
·        Role conflict
·        Role ambiguity
·        Role over load
·        Role incompetence
·        Role Bargaining
·        Role stress
·        Care giver role strain
·        Family


Cognitive Perception Concept of
·        Pain / pain threshold (Read)
·        Pain Management (Read)
·        Acute / chronic Pain (Read)
·        Beliefs related to pain
·        Pain & culture
Mechanism of Pain (Read)


Self-perception / Concept
Definition of
·        Body image
·        Self-concept
·        Self-ideal
·        Self esteem


Value belief
·        Terminology of
·        Values, Beliefs, Attitudes,
·        Personal & Professional values
·        Values conflict / distress
·        Ethical dilemma
·        Concept of
·        Empathy caring, hope, autonomy, mutuality

·        Spirituality

Post RN BSN Nursing ACN – I Course | POST RN BSN Nursing Resources

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