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Difference Between Public Health Nursing & Community Health Nursing


The practice of promoting and protecting the health of people using knowledge from nursing, society, and public health sciences is called Public Health Nursing.

The primary goal of public health nursing is to promote health and prevent disease for entire population groups. Extent to assist and provide care to each members of the population. It also includes the identification of individuals who may not request care but who have health problems that put themselves and others in the community at risk, such as infectious diseases.

Public Health Nursing Approach

  • The requirements of health & health care are assessed in order to recognize sub-population, families and individuals to analyze people getting benefit from health promotion or at risk of illness, injury, disability or premature death.
  • Develop a strategy for intervention with the community to recognize available resources in order to initiate the range of activities for health promotion, the prevention of illness injury, disability, and premature death.
  • Monitoring of strategy to be implemented effectively, efficiently and equitably.
  • Evaluating the degree of impact on the health status of individuals and the population resulted by the interventions
  • The effects of the process are used to influence and direct the delivery of care, deployment of health resources, and the development of local, regional, state, and national health policy and research to promote health and prevent disease.

This systematic process is based on:

  • Community strengths, needs and expectations;
  • Current scientific knowledge;
  • Available resources;
  • Accepted criteria and standards of nursing practice;
  • Agency purpose, philosophy and objectives; and
  • The participation, cooperation, and understanding of the population.

Other services and organizations in the community are considered, and planning is coordinated to maximize the effective use of resources and enhance outcomes.

Who is Public Health Nurse ?

A nursing professional with educational training in public health and nursing science with a primary goal of population based outcomes and ensure health & safety of communities is a Public Health Nurse.

Direct health care providing is not the focus of public health nursing in community settings. Public health nurses support the establishment of direct care system through a process of evaluation and assessment of the needs of individuals in the perspective of their population group. Public health nurses work with other providers of care to plan, develop, and support systems and programs in the community to prevent problems and provide access to care.

Scope and Functionalities of Public Health Nursing

  • Evaluation of health trends and risk factors of population.
  • Helping to regulate priorities for focused interventions.
  • Working with communities or specific groups within the community.
  • Develop public health policy in accordance to health promotion and disease prevention activities within the population.
  • Contributing in assessment and evaluation of health care services
  • Ensure awareness of available programs and services among the public and assisting people in the utilization of those services.
  • Providing essential input to interdisciplinary health programs that monitor, anticipate, and respond to public health problems in population groups.
  • Providing health education, care management, and primary care to individuals and families particularly to the members of vulnerable population or high-risk groups.

Role of Public Health Nurse

  • Public health nurse provide a vital connection between epidemiological data and clinical understanding of health and illness among the population. These connections further develop actions for the betterment of public health system. 
  • Surveillance and monitoring of disease trends within the community.
  • Identification of emerging patterns that possibly endanger the public’s health 
  • Plan, coordinate and implementation of Public health care interventions.
  • Recording and analyzing aggregate Public health data
  • Assessing the health of population and creating treatment plans
  • Contribute to health systems for monitoring crucial health status indicators such as;

  1. Environmentally caused illnesses
  2. Immunization levels
  3. Infant mortality rates, and 
  4. Communicable disease occurrence, 

in order to identify problems that threaten the public’s health and develop effective interventions.

  • Monitoring population for any changes in health condition
  • Educating population for available support and health services 
  • Helping the population to access health care
  • Emphasizing primary health prevention in order to avoid disease or injury before it occurs
  • Working with public health care officials to help underserved communities gain access to health care
  • Building relationship with people and follow-up to track health progress
  • Arranging and referring patients to other health care providers as needed

These are some role of public health nurse can perform in any setting; however, mainly in the public health sector.

 Compare Community Health to Public Health Nursing 


Both are organized community efforts aimed at promotion, protection and preservation of the public’s health.

Historically, public health has been associated with official or governmental efforts

Currently, it includes both public and private health efforts

Difference Between Public Health Nursing & Community Health Nursing

Public Health Nursing

  • It involves the health of the nation
  • protects the health of everyone
  • Public health gives free health care to individuals
  • Public health is concerned with the health of individuals
  • Nursing professionals need special education in public health
  • Focus at each and every direct and indirect health factor
  • Public health nurse looks at the total effect of a specific disease in large area
  • Identify the determinants of the disease and prevention
  • components are community water supply, proper sewage disposal, good housing etc.
  • Main objects are to control physical environmental and communicable disease
  • Covers all aspects of community health

Community Health Nursing

  • It involves doctors and other health professionals in a community
  • protects the health of all those in a particular community
  • It keeps the food, water supply, and general environment healthy for the community
  • It is concerned with overall health statistics/ events
  • Community health nurses need no special education
  • Mostly focus at direct health affecting factors
  • Community health nurse 1st focus to its community then may look to others/ globally
  • Identify only prevention for disease
  • Components are curative, preventive, promotive & rehabilitative services.
  • Main objects are to promote physical, mental, social wellbeing of the people.
  • It’s a part of the larger public health effort.
Difference Between Public Health Nursing & Community Health Nursing,

Difference Between Public Health Nursing & Community Health Nursing | POST RN BSN NURSING RESOURCES

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