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Post RN BSN Nursing Social Sciences Course

LUMHS Post RN BSN Nursing Social Sciences (Sociology and Health) Course Syllabus of First Year First Semester


Post RN BS Nursing Program

Course Syllabus
Title              :        Social Sciences (Sociology and Health)
Course No    :        706
Time             :        1.5 Credit
Placement     :        year 1, First Semester

Course Description:

This is a core course designed to introduce the student to the field of sociology cultural anthropology. It focuses on the exploration of the health and illness values, beliefs and practices in general and among groups of people in Pakistan. The focus is on analysis of the inter relatedness of culture, society and health care delivery in Pakistan. The course promotes the exploration of transcultural nursing concepts.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course students will be able to:
1.     Identify major factors influencing human society, social institutions, and cultures.
2.     Demonstrate knowledge of human diversity
3.     Discuss the relationship between culture and social institutions with a focus on the health care system.
4.     Discussion concepts of health, diseases, illness and sickness in the context of the three major worldviews.
5.     Analyze health – related knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and practices of various socio – cultural groups in Pakistan through a cultural assessment in urban squatter settlement.
6.     Describe the strategies of a cultural competency when providing health care within a society.
7.     Discuss the application of transcultural nursing concepts when providing nursing care to clients.
8.     Compare the health status of women from a global perspective.

Teaching / Learning Strategies

Lecture, Tutorial, Clinical and self-study

Course Expectations:

1.     Active participation in class and field activities
2.     Students are expected to participate in all groups Presentations either as a “presenter “or as an “audience “.
3.     Completion of all assignments on due dates.

Evaluation Criteria:

Internal Evaluation                  20%
External Evaluation (Final)      80%


Schaefer, R.T. & Re Lamm R, P. (1995). Social institution. In Sociology: international edition (pp. 486 – 495). New York:
Andrews, M. M. & Boyle, J. S. (Eds.) (1999). Foundation of transcultural nursing care and a developmental approach to transcultural nursing. In Transcultural Concept in nursing care (3rd Ed.) (pp. 3-220) Philadelphia: Lippincott.

Course content

Sociology and Health


Overview of Course
·        Concept of culture
·         Cultural values
·         Concepts of health & illness
·         Sociological & ethical theories
·         Major health belief paradigms
·         Indigenous health care system


Transcultural care concepts
·        Competence / Transculutral
·         Assessment model
·         Leininger’s sunrise model
·         Transcultural nursing care of childbearing women and children
·         Transcultural nursing care of middle aged and older adults
·         Cultural assessment presentation


Special issues in the delivery of transcultural nursing
·        Special issues continued pain, alternative therapies
·         Nutrition “pot luck”
·         Book review presentation


Gender sensitization

·        Women – the oppressed group

BSN Course, BSN Nursing Social Sciences Course, BSN Semester I, LUMHS BSN Course, LUMHS Social Sciences course, BSN First Year, BSN First Semester, BSN Nursing, RN to BSN, Social Sciences, Sociology and Health

BSN Course, BSN Nursing Social Sciences Course, BSN Semester I, LUMHS BSN Course, LUMHS Social Sciences course, BSN First Year, BSN First Semester, BSN Nursing, RN to BSN, Social Sciences, Sociology and Health

Post RN BSN Nursing Social Sciences (Sociology and Health) Course | POST RN BSN Nursing Resources

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