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Post RN BSN Nursing Psychology Course

LUMHS Post RN BSN Nursing Social Sciences (Psychology) Course Syllabus of First Year First Semester



Post RN BS Nursing Program

Course Syllabus
Title            :        Social Sciences (Psychology)
Course No    :        706
Time            :        1.5 Credit
Placement   :        year 1, First Semester

Course Description:

Psychology is a discipline that influences every aspect of human existence. This course will help the learner understand why people think and act, why they do as well provide insight into one’s personal attitude and response to everyday situation and interactions.

Course objectives.

One completion of this course student will able to:
Discuss approaches, methods, and interventions of modern day psychology.
Consider the psychological basis of consciousness, memory, perception, thought, language and emotions.
Relate concepts of personality and life span development to abnormal psychology.
Examine the dynamics of social / group behavior.
Compare biological and psychological perspectives of human behavior

Teaching Learning Strategies:

Lecture, Group Discussion

Course Expectations:

Attendance and active participation in weekly classes. Classes will start on time-late arrival is disruptive to the group and important concepts will be missed.
Completion of assignment according to criteria and schedules.
Per-reading of specific chapter(s) prior to class and other homework as assigned.
Frequent feedback and suggestion to help meet own and peer’s learning needs.

Evaluation criteria:

 Internal evaluation               20%
 Final                                       80%


Atkinson, R.L, Atkinson, R.C., smith,E.E, Bem, D.j & Nolen-Hocksema,
S.(1996) Hilgard’s introduction to psychology (12th Ed) Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt
Brace & Company.
Feldman, R.S. (1993). Understanding psychology (3rd Ed) New York: McGraw-Hill.

Course Content



Course Overview
·        Introduction to psychology


Research methods
·        Research strategies and ethical issues
·        Five perspectives
·        Relationship between psychology and biology


Neurobiology, and development theories
·        Review of asymmetries of brain
·        Genetics Influences in behavior
·        Review of theories Piaget and Erickson


Consciousness and its altered states
·        Discuss meaning and function of sleep and dreams
·        Altered state concise in meditation, hypnosis and use of drugs
·        Major sleep disorder and their treatments.


·        Stages and types
·        Remembering and forgetting.
·        Useful techniques to improve memory


Thought and language
·        Acquiring concepts and properties of thought
·        Problems solving, decision-making, and reasoning
·        Development of language, it’s structure and function


Mental ability
·        Defining intelligence and intelligent Quotient (IQ)
·        Assessment of IQ, aptitude and achievement tests.
·        Ability and environment effecting on intelligence.


·        Components
·        Relationship of cognition and emotion
·        Expression


Personality & testing
·        Nature of personality and influences of heredity and environment.
·        Issues of consistency in personality
·        Different approaches to understanding personality ways of assessing


Abnormal psychology
·        Definition of normal and abnormal behavior
·        Classification of mental disorders


Abnormal psychology
·        Introduction to the major group of psychiatric disorders: anxiety, mood, Schizophrenia and personality disorders.
·        Perspectives on different mental disorders. 


Psychological therapies
·        Introduction
·        Effectiveness of psychological therapies and impact of culture and
·        Gender.


Social psychology
·        Beliefs, attitudes and stereotyping
·        How people influence on each other
·        Conformity, compliance obedience in social settings.

Post RN BSN Nursing Psychology Course, BSN Course, BSN Nursing Social Sciences Course, BSN Semester I, LUMHS BSN Course, LUMHS Social Sciences course, BSN First Year, BSN First Semester, BSN Nursing, RN to BSN, Social Sciences, Psychology

Post RN BSN Nursing Psychology Course, BSN Course, BSN Nursing Social Sciences Course, BSN Semester I, LUMHS BSN Course, LUMHS Social Sciences course, BSN First Year, BSN First Semester, BSN Nursing, RN to BSN, Social Sciences, Psychology

Post RN BSN Nursing Psychology Course | POST RN BSN Nursing Resources

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