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Pakistan Nursing Council Structural Changes

 The Government of Pakistan in coordination with The Higher Education Commission (HEC) & Pakistan nursing council (PNC) has stopped the three year nursing diploma program and introduced a Bachelor of Nursing (BSN) 04 Year Degree Program along with the 02 Year Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) program.

In this regard, the Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC), on behalf of the government of Pakistan, has already issued letter (F.7.184) to the nursing directors of all four Nursing Examination Boards, principals of government Nursing Schools and government-operated Nursing colleges, private Nursing schools, Nursing Universities and Nursing schools run by Pakistan’s armed forces.

With the signature of the Pakistan Nursing Council registrar, was issued on the 19th of March 2019. The letter states that the three-year nursing diploma course in nursing schools, private Nursing institutions and the Nursing schools of armed forces has been stopped and admission to the course will no longer be granted. A 04 year Bachelor of Science in nursing degree has been initiated with those attaining 50% marks in Intermediate Science (Biology) being eligible to apply. However the eligibility criteria 02 Year Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) program has been set as 50% marks in Matriculation. CNC is the renaming of the LPN according to the Pakistan nursing council (PNC) website

Structural Changes to the Nursing Profession in Pakistan may raise the standard of nursing care deliver in the country, rather to produce the sufficient amount of nurses is still questionable especially during the pandemic when many of the Pakistani Nurses fled to other countries for better opportunities, tool increase with the time as measure taken by many countries with soften their rules of immigration for Asian nurses. On the contrary Pakistani nursing are under many controversies especially in Sindh where Sindh Public Service Commission website was down for some time and entitled COVID Nurses are still waiting to have their appropriate position from the rendering period of 89 days pandemic clause.

Altough this might be early to analyse the good or bad about the govenment's decision but this can lead Pakistani Nurses to catch better opportunities abroad according to the level of Nursing Studies

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