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BSN Nursing Professional Development Course

LUMHS Post RN BSN Nursing Professional Development Course Syllabus of First Year First Semester


Post RN BS Nursing Program

Course Syllabus
Title               :        Professional Development
Course No     :        705
Time              :        3 Credit
Placement     :        Year 1, First Semester

Course Description:

This course is designed to provide the participant with an overview of the selected issues confronting the development of nursing as a professional. It will provide a forum for students to reflect upon these issues in relation to the participation’s professional life.

Course objectives

On completion of this course, the student will be able to:-
§  Discuss historical influences in impacting the professional of nursing through the world and in Pakistan.
§  Evaluate the impact of social forces affecting the nursing profession in Pakistan
§  Discuss the image of nursing in Pakistan and in the world.
§  Demonstrate the principles associated with group dynamics.
§  Apply sleeted concepts of interpersonal process to professional development.
§  Discuss ethical principles related to nursing practice.
§  Apply an ethical from work to situations in nursing practice.
§  Evaluate contemporary political forces impacting the development of nursing as a professional.
§  Analyze the concept of accountability in relation to the individual and group environments.
§  Determine the trends influencing the culture of nursing in Pakistan and throughout the world.

Teaching / Learning Strategies

§  Preparatory reading assignment
§  Stimulus questions
§  Group discussions
§  Small group word / presentation
§  Lecture
§  Use of games & videos
§  Case studies
§  Guest Speakers

Course Expectations

In order to successfully meet the objectives of the course, the participant will be expected to:
§  Complete pre-reading and stimulus questions as required for each class
§  Participation in class discussion and presentations
§  Complete all assignments and presentations on the dates due

Evaluation criteria

Internal Evaluation                  20%
External Evaluation (Final)      80%


Kozier & Erb. [1988]. Concepts & Issues in Nursing Practice. Chapter 24. P. 245-262. Ssmall group dynamic. Clifornia: Addison Wesley.
Sundeen etal. [1989]. Nurse Client inter action. [4th edition] Toronto Mosby. Chp 8.P.245-262


Professional Development


Introduction to course


Nursing History
·        Specific historical period in relation to development
·        Identify the variety of historical leaders and their contribution


Image, Status & Role of Nursing
·        Historical overview
·        Shaping society’s view of profession
·        Explore factors which impact on the status of nursing in Pakistan
·        Implication of nursing image of development
·        Explore the current and changing role of nurse
·        Discuss the action which nurses in Pakistan can take to enhance the image


Interpersonal Communication Assertiveness,
·        Non assertiveness, Aggression negotiation and collaboration Critical
·        Thinking & Decision Making


Group Dynamics
·        Definition
·        Group process
·        Group roles and functions
·        Type of groups
·        Discuss what makes effective and ineffective
·        Phases of group work


Ethics and Nursing
·        Ethical Principles
·        Ethical Frameworks & Case Studies


Power & Politics
·        Define power
·        Powerlessness
·        Authorities
·        Autonomy
·        Empowerment
·        Types and sources of power
·        Characteristic of power oriented individual
·        Skill use in power acquisition political
·        Political process
·        Political strategies


Professional Accountability
·        Professional organization for nurses
·        Social obligation of individual nurses towards the development
·        Responsibilities of being a professional nurse
·        Strategies
·        Standards


Trends in Nursing
·        Current trends in profession of nursing in Pakistan
·        Major issues
·        Develop and propose
·        Group presentation
·        Exam Week

Post RN BSN Nursing Professional Development Course | POST RN BSN Nursing Resources

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